Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bridal Fairs 101...take 3!

This is my last post on my adventures at Bridal Fairs, I promise! This past Sunday FI Fishie and I treked out into the cold and snow into the middle of nowhere to battle HUGE crowds in a SMALL space. It reminded me of the dinosaur in Meet The Robinsons; "I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through"

I mean, they had to know there was going to be a lot of people there so why not move it to a bigger venue, they were charging $5 to get in anyway so you know they were making at least some money on this shindig. Anyway, I digress-all in all it was actually a fun couple of hours the emcee for the fashion show seemed like he was actually having fun instead of the dull boring emcees you usually find at one of these things. There was, of course, a fashion show and this time the models seemed like they were actually enjoying themselves and hamming it up for the crowd.

The only downside? I didn't win any door prizes...insert sad fishie face. But there were some pretty dresses...insert happy fishie face!

                               1                                                                          2

                          3                                                                              4

Here's a quick and dirty run down of what I like about these dresses...
Dress #1: I'm loving the neckline, not sure about the asymetrical lines around the hips. Pretty sure they'll make me look like a bigger wider fishie then I actually am...sad fishie.
Dress #2: Not the best picture of the dress but it's tight at the top and flares out at the bottom, since I've got a skinny little waist this is a plus for me.
Dress #3: Looks like a tired cake topper but I like the shape of it. It's kind of a mermaid/trumpet gown. Not a big fan of the layers on it though.
Dress #4: Close up shot of #3, you can see the layers I'm talking about a little better and notice the beading right at the top that's what I like about it. I want just a little sparkle...happy fishie!

Now that I've got plenty of ideas and I've met enough vendors to fill a 1" binder with their information/brochures I can focus on the nitty gritty of this wedding planning stuff...or just kind of fake my way through.

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