Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How do you FEEL about that?

The Fishies have begun pre-marital counseling...and frankly it stinks worse then the kitties' litter box. As we've discussed before, I was born without several important "girlie" genes; one of which is the desire to tell someone else how I'm "feeling" for an hour. In the logical side of my brain, I realize that pre-marital counseling is important and it'll be better for our marriage in the long run but the illogical side of my brain is acting like a spoiled little three year old stomping it's feet and screaming "But, I don't WANT to go!" 

 Yesterday, I sat on that couch and poured my guts out to this guy that I barely know all in the name of "pre-marital counseling" and "marriage preparedness" afterward, I felt emotionally drained and vulnerable. Two feelings which I don't particularly enjoy feeling. 
My biggest problem with the process arises from the fact that 1) it's the minister, so he's the one overseeing our wedding ceremony and I'm afraid that if he figures out just how screwed up I am that he's gonna refuse to marry us and 2) the minister knows FI Fishie and FMIL Fishie, FFIL Fishie, and FSIL Fishie, making me nervous about how much, if anything, might be said in counseling that'll be "accidentally" leak out. I grew up in a small town, no matter what people say there's no such thing as complete confidentiality, some how, some way, something will be said to the Fishie parents and that'll be the end of it.
 Am I over reacting? Or should I ask FI Fishie that we find an impartial 3rd party that neither one of us has ever met and will be able to give us an honest counseling?

1 comment:

  1. It would make me uncomfortable too. To be honest, I just wouldn't do it at all. Is it part of a religious requirement from your officiant?



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