Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Thursday, January 13, 2011

STD's Follow-Up

Every responsible person knows that STDs require follow-up care-you can't let them just fester and not take care of them right? Well, my follow-up care is trying to get over the fact that no one has taken the time to acknowledge them. This makes for a very sad Fishie... 

I sent my cute little cards out into the world and granted I didn't expect flourishes of phone calls, texts, emails, or what have you but it would be nice to hear from someone that all my hard work was totally worth it.

In case you've forgotten, here's our lovely cards...

How could no one tell me how awesome they are? Not just that but how can I know if the ones we mailed made it to their intended targets? Grr...it's frustrating and kills my DIY buzz all in one shot!
Have you ever not gotten a response when you wanted one? Should I let this kill my buzz or just move on and keep on with all the projects I have planned?


  1. Awww, I'm sorry you didn't get the response you wanted out of your STDs. I thought they were super cute! I guess people don't really understand the amount of work that goes into weddings!

  2. Awww :(

    sad panda is sad

    anon strikes again



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