Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bridal University?

OK so I realize I'm being a hypocritical fishie here since the main tag line for why I want all the fabulous readers I get is that there's "no college course on the “Art of Wedding Planning”" so read about me bumbling my way through this without trying to loose my mind. And now, I'm writing a post called "Bridal University" y'all must think I've officially lost it-all those nummy fried foods have finally fried my brain. But I beg you, hear me out before you write me off as coo-coo for cocoa puffs.

I was reading my email diligently as I do everyday so just to see if perhaps someone had commented on the witty and insightful posts I spend hours painstakingly writing and lo and behold I came across an email from The Bridal Shoppe in Eau Claire, one of the shops that I'm planning on visiting in a couple of weeks for what I've termed "Help Fishie buy a dress so she doesn't wind up naked on her wedding day-extravaganza"  see, adding the "extravaganza" part makes it sound more fun then it actually will be. But, that my dear loyal readers is another story for another post. This is all about the email I got from the nice ladies over at the Bridal Shoppe in Eau Claire inviting me to "Bridal University"-they must have read this blog and figured out that I have NO idea what I'm doing. (Side note: the blogger spell checker doesn't recognize "University" as a word...too funny) So, for the low low price of $100 the ladies at the Bridal Shoppe, and the people they contract out to, are willing to teach me (and FI Fishie) everything we ever wanted to know about wedding planning but were too afraid to ask.
We Fishies decided to sign up for the full 14 classes even though the "Fitness" class will probably be missed by both of us. I figure $100 bucks is worth the entertainment value of these classes if nothing else, I mean I'm sure it's going to be little more then hour long sales pitches by local vendors but who knows we might actually get some good ideas and the $100 gift card towards my wedding dress won't hurt either. Now I can get a $600 dress for the $500 that I'd planned to spend. I'm sure FMIL Fishie will be more then happy to come to the lessons FI Fishie doesn't want to come to.
So there you have it loyal readers, thanks to the wonderful ladies at The Bridal Shoppe in EC I can no longer say that there's no college courses on the Art of Wedding Planning-in fact there's a whole university devoted to it.
Am I crazy? Do I really need to pay $100 to sit through hour long sales pitches? If you had the chance to go to "Bridal University" would you pay?

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