Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I love technology, or at least most of the time. So when it came to wedding planning I carefully constructed elaborate spreadsheets detailing the comparisons between different reception venues. I had a nice budget spreadsheet, documents with inspiration for the readings, downloaded way too many tutorials and I had folders of pictures and inspiration. All of these wonderful, time intensive, irreplaceable (for the most part) items was securely stored on this little guy...

A secure, little, Western Digital My Passport external hard drive. Make note of the past tense...I had these files and folders. I had them until my demon of an external hard drive decided to crash. That little 320 gigabyte hard drive crashed and burned...badly! Irrecoverable crash and burn, not even the morons over at Geek Squad or the wonderfully patient FI Fishie could get the data off my hard drive. So what does this mean? Well it means I have to pretty much start from scratch on the majority of my planning. Contact information for the venues? Gone! Cost comparison of the venues? GONE! Carefully gathered from numerous sources inspiration pictures and reading quotes? Going, Going, GONE! Not to mention the personal documents, pictures, and music files also stored on the drive. All of them GONE!

So what's a poor fishie to do? Do I start all over from scratch and try to recreate these files or do I call it devine intervention and the higher power's way of  telling me I was going about this all wrong? Has technology ever failed you?

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey. Rebuild, rebuild, rebuild. But have backups.

    My computer crashed and I lost my guest list and all my inspirational pictures. By some miracle, I found a copy of the guestlist I had e-mailed to my mom in my inbox. E-mailing things to yourself is a great way to back up your files!

    Sorry this happened, I know how much of a bummer it can be :(



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