Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's Just One Day...

I find myself repeating this over and over in my mind. Why, you ask? Well, it’s my justification for not blowing my time, energy and hard earned budget monies on something that I either a)want, but don’t need or b) think I want, and definitely don’t need.
I was using this justification “it’s just one day” while rationalizing that spending money on dance lessons so that we can have a wonderful first dance together was totally not worth it. And it dawned on me…kinda like in those new Microsoft OS 7 commercials…it may just be ONE day but it’s the beginning of the REST of my days. And as for the dance lessons? Well, as I was pondering the expense my phone rang and I think the people at Arthur Murray Dance Studio have major psychic powers because they were offering me a FREE dance lesson…so if it works out then I’ll have to justify it in my mind to keep going, and avoid what I’ve termed “The Jr. High Sway” –the “let’s stand arm’s length away and hug and just sway to the music”, but that’s a topic for another post.
Have you used the “it’s just one day” to justify not spending extreme amounts of money or been told that “it’s just one day” by well-meaning friends/family?

1 comment:

  1. Well, uummm, now that i'm on the other side of wedding planning, I totally feel that weddings are a collosal waste of money. We spent more than most people make in a year on a party that started at 4pm and ended at 11pm. Boggles my mind. I really could have used that money for Mia's college fund. Now she will have to rely on her smarts to get a scholorship. =)
    But yeah- it is just one day, but it is the rest of your life. Just spend money on the things that matter. In 10 years nobody will remember if you had chicken or filet for the dinner, or if you served soda and punch or vodka and wine...BUT in 10 years people will still notice your photographs. Splurge on the photographers. That's the most important thing I tell people. I would forget the dance lessons...but that's just me. I also did a cake buffet instead of an $800 wedding cake..and you know what? Nobody cared.



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