Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Proof That The Wedding Industry Has Gone TOO Far!

Or what the E! network calls "Bridalplasty"...

This is a show designed around this insane idea that you must be "perfect" on your wedding day. Including and up to breast implants, tummy tucks, nose jobs, and any other plastic surgery you can think of. 

Now, I'm not a super model by any stretch of the imagination but this has gone a little TOO far. Every woman deserves to be beautiful on their wedding day and I realize there is only so much that make-up and shape wear can fix but where do we draw the line? I watched this show and I thought to myself that all of these women were beautiful and none of them seemed to really NEED the surgery, they didn't seem to have any heart wrenching disfigurements but they were still competing for these surgeries none the less.

Am I wrong here? Have you seen the show, do you feel that it's a sign that our culture has gone too far in it's obsession with perfection?


  1. I think there is something wrong when women feel the need to turn into something different for the day they promise to love their partner in sickness and in health, til death do them part. I don't have a problem with people wanting to look amazing, but to go to such drastic lengths seems beyond superficial. :S

    (And what happens if the poor groom doesn't like the way his bride looks after the surgery. Lol!)

  2. lol, come on some of those women seriously need plastic surgery though! There future husbands must be in love to marry those dogs! HHHOOOOWWWWLLLLL!!!

  3. wrong there lol *their*

    by the way.. I am sure you will look beautiful Sam!

  4. Oh boy, that show is wrong in so many ways!!! I refuse to watch it.



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