Quote of the Month...

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” - Shakespeare

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Registry List

We all remember being little kids and writing out our lists to Santa in July. Wait, that was just me? Oops, sorry!
 You could write anything you wanted on that list, and then just put a little stamp on the envelope and like magic it went up to the North Pole for Santa to read and memorize so that when it came time to deliver all those little presents he'd remember that Little Sammi wanted an Easy Bake Oven for christmas and BAM! there it was Christmas morning.Well, getting married is kind of like that...only 100 times better!

 The biggest advantage of a wedding over christmas? No creepy guy in a red suit who "sees you when you're sleeping." Oh and you also get to ask for even better things then just an Easy Bake Oven! Hello, blu-ray player anyone?

Although we don't "technically" have a registry yet, since apparently you're not "supposed" to make one until like 8 months before you're wedding. That hasn't stopped us from, like little kids writing to Santa, making our "registry list". We're a couple of broke college students who's household is furnished, for the most part, by hand-me-down cast-offs, wal-mart clearance bins, and of course Goodwill. So, when coming up with our "list" we've included the standard fare-new pots and pans, new silverware (since most of that has been "borrowed" from work break rooms), new sheets, new towels, all that good stuff. But, we're also putting on a few "unique" items...(and I feel a little like Bob Barker on the Price Is Right, doing the "Showcase Showdown")

The latest technology, of course, a blu-ray player 
Of course, we'll also need to add to our ever expanding video game system collection with a Nintendo Wii...
And we'll need a brand new TV to play with all our new toys on, what good is a blu-ray player if you're not playing it on an HDTV?
Now, I'm more of an "indoor girl" but I've been known to occasionally enjoy a good s'more around the campfire and what better way to enjoy a s'more then in our brand new tent?
Now that the showcase showdown is over...

I have no illusions of anyone actually getting me an HDTV or a Nintendo Wii for a wedding gift, although it would be nice...wink, wink, nudge, nudge. I'm not greedy, I'll settle for some nice towels to replace the ones that are currently falling apart.

Can you think of any other items I need to start adding to "the registry list"?

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